Post It Note Poetry 2017 - Participant guidelines

So the time is nearly upon us and I think we are entering our 4th year of the project.  

Only 2 days to go.

February 1st is the day it all begins.  If you are new to Post It Note Poetry, check out Co-founder Adam Byatt’s original post here

The general gist of it is:
  1. Give yourself permission to write poetry, badly if need be
  2. Write out that poem on a post-it note and photograph it
  3. Put it on twitter with the #pinp17
  4. Do this every day of February (if you can)
I credit Post It Note Poetry for getting me back into writing poetry seriously(thanks Adam and Jodi).  

You are posting a poem a day so there’s not really time for agonizing over things too much.  There’s no expectations that you write like a Poet Laureate.  Hell there’s no expectation that you write good poetry.  

Free yourself from the nagging self critic, the inner poetry snob that says -  "don’t bother, you’ll never be Les Murray or Dorothy Porter".

The only real rules are that the poem must fit on a Post-It Note ( and even then some folks get creative with the concept of post it note).

I will maintain a curated twitter feed here.   I will add twitter posts that have the Hashtag (#pinp17) above. 

If Twitter isn't your thing then we do maintain a Facebook Group here.

Helpful Advice:
If you are new to poetry try an English Language Haiku or an American Cinquain.  Both of these provide a form that’s not too rigid.  Haiku are good for training your observational skills too.


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