Year of Poetry Update - Week 9

I finally got some paid work this week - two days.  How this effected the week is hard to judge because I was able to steal some time to study/read/work while away from the poetry writing desk and on my days off I was crippled with an intense headache.

I still managed about 14 hours of work though.  The paid work did muck up the normal flow of write, study, read though.  

This week was mostly study and reworking earlier poems until I experienced one of those rare occurrences where a piece of dialogue that had been floating around in my head clicked into place and a fully fledged poem wrote itself.

My close readings were also minimal; I read Smalltown Memorials by Geoff Page, and Why Brownlee Left by Paul Muldoon.

For those with an interest in stats here's this weeks along with the running total

Total time: 14:52 (155:37) hrs

poem writing = 5:50 (59:23) hrs
close reading = 2:07(35:42) hrs
technique/theory 4:50 (35:43) hrs
reflection = 1:05(13:04) hrs

Poetry written:

13 poems completed
1 poem abandoned

Poems Submitted:

4 (7 in total) poems

Poems Published:

1 poem


1 poem


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