Year of Poetry - The Reflection

I will confess here that a considerable amount of the impetus to write reflections was to enable me to hand write with quill and ink in some kind of journal.

I seriously enjoy writing in this fashion.

But as I looked into the process in greater depth I realized what an essential part (on par with the actual writing of poetry) some sort of reflective journaling would be.

There wasn't a great deal of focus on learning journals when I got my degree (not that I can recall anyway) but it seems it's de rigueur nowadays.

So I have visualized my process as follows: 

So what will this reflective journaling look like?

Well as indicated in the diagram above I will be reflecting on all of the parts of my plan.  On both a daily and monthly basis. In Daily terms -  I have a series of questions I will ask myself in regards to the activities carried out on any given day.  Bearing in mind that this course of study needs to be flexible and that if push comes to shove the Writing bit gets the focus.

The monthly reflection will be a chance to look over the previous daily reflections, discern patterns, learning realise and celebrate epiphanies etc.  It will also look forward and make predictions about the coming month.

I will hopefully include some examples of my reflections here on the blog.

There's also a reflective entry I'd like to formulate at the beginning and end of the process.  One outlining my aims and goals and what I think the challenges might be and one finalising and assessing the project.

Any suggestions? Links to resources?  Potential issues?  Let me know in the comments

H/T to the excellent Jodi Cleghorn for inspiring this aspect of the plan.

The plan in posts, as it is so far: 


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